Wednesday 5 September 2018

what is the reason of pimples??? // how to avoid pimples???

                          topic :- pimples

how to avoid the growing pimples????

before we start we have to know how pimples grow on our face...
              the main reason of pimples is dust and oily skin.... our skin consist of sebaceous gland which produce oil ... when dust particles block the site from where oil is coming then the oil collect into that space and cause PIMPLE.... this is also called ACNE...

ACNE is a problem related to skin and pimples....
pimples can be avoided mainly by 2 methods :-

1) wash your face before going to sleep so that the dust particles get away...

2) patience ... pimples automatically get disappear in 7 or 8 days...

Do not squeeze the pimple it may cause to infection and increase the rate of pimples...

the science fact is pimples only grow in teenagers age because at this age our skin become oily....
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